Grad Student Shim receives AGSERS Award

Soo Won Shim receives Honorable Mention for In Progress Biology Education Research
The Purdue Graduate Student Education Council student leaders organized the Annual Graduate Student Education Research Symposium (ASGERS), held March 26-27, 2019. Our graduate student in biological sciences is one of the AGSERS Award Winners: Soo Won Shim was recognized with Honorable Mention for her Poster on Research In-Progress: A Qualitative Study Exploring Undergraduate Students’ Perspectives on Failed Research Experience in a Biology Laboratory Course. Working with Dr Nancy Pelaez, Soo Won was previously recognized with a stipend and travel award so this work will be presented at the 2019 Gordon Research Conference on Undergraduate Biology Education Research (UBER GRC): Achieving Widespread Improvement in Undergraduate Education. On 23-28 June, 2019 at Bates College in Lewiston, ME, Soo Won will join a stellar group of colleagues from across the nation to discuss new and emerging research on biology teaching to engage in discussion and debate about how research like this is informing the changing undergraduate biology education landscape.